Tuesday 23 January 2007

Masters Summer Project

I have to choose a project to do for my Masters in CFD over the summer this year. We've not been given the list of titles yet, but I've been thinking about the kind of thing I'd like to do. I'm really into bubbles and I also like two-phase/multi-phase flow. So I'd like to do something along those lines as it would be interesting for me. Hopefully it will also be useful for me in the future too. That depends on what I do in the future though.

So the summer project. In an email from one of the professors the other day is one of the proposed titles. "CFD Simulation of Droplet Formation in Membrane Emulsification."

The word "droplet" caught my eye straight away as that fits into the whole multi-phase flow idea that I like. Plus a droplet of liquid in air is the opposite of a bubble really, if you think about it. So I googled for "Membrane Emulsification" and got this website. That has a really simple diagram showing something that I assume would be a similar sort of set up to what they would like the student to model for the project.

How amazing is that? I think it's fascinating!

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